Research on Neural Machine Translation Methods under Low-Resource Conditions


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title={Research on Neural Machine Translation Methods under Low-Resource Conditions},
author={Mieradilijiang Maimaiti},
booktitle={Phd Thesis},


Machine translation (MT) is an important and challenging task in the research field of natural language processing (NLP). Among various methods for machine translation, neural machine translation (NMT) is the fastest growing and the most popular translation method. NMT relies on massive parallel corpora, and thus it is difficult to train an NMT model with good generalization ability in low-resource settings. Therefore, there is an urgent need to develop NMT models with better performance in low-resource settings. However, some problems still exist: (1) How to implement a word segmentation system with better performance to aid MT for low-resource languages; (2) How to efficiently use high-resourcelanguagestohelplow-resourcelanguages; (3)Howtogeneratepseudo-data with higher quality. The research results in our thesis are summarized as follows:

Augmenting Chinese word segmentation with self-supervision for low-resource NMT. Word segmentation has been considered as the core basic research in NLP. A Chi- nese word segmentation (CWS) model with better performance can further improve the performance of NMT in low-resource settings. Recent state-of-the-art methods based on neural networks and pre-trained models have achieved great results. However, previous works focus on training the models with static data, and therefore exploiting noisy data is necessary for validating the robustness of CWS models. In this work, we propose a sim- ple and effective self-supervised CWS approach based on the revised masked language model and improved minimum risk training. Experimental results show that our approach achieves significant improvements on openly available CWS datasets.

Low-resource NMT method based on transferlearning. Therearemanyexcellent techniques in the research field of low-resource NMT. Recently, transfer learning (TL) has been widely used in low-resource NMT. However, the original TL is neither able to makefulluseofhighlyrelatedmultiplehigh-resourcelanguages. Toaddressthisproblem, we present a multi-round transfer learning approach and a unified transliteration method. Besides, considering that the model cannot learn information about the child model when training the parent model, we propose a mixed transfer learning method. Experimental results show that these two ideas achieve significant improvements on openly available datasets.

Low-resource NMT method based on data augmentation. Data augmentation (DA) is a ubiquitous approach for several text generation tasks. Especially in the research field of low-resource NMT, many DA methods have been proposed. However, previous methodsbarelyguarantee the qualityof pseudo-data. In thiswork, weaugment the corpus by constrained sampling method and build an evaluation sub-model to reduce grammar errors to some extent. Besides, we also try to build pseudo-data using paraphrase tables and POS-taggings, which also mitigates grammar errors in pseudo-data. Experimental results show that these two ideas achieve significant improvements on openly available datasets.

[Postgraduate Thesis Chinese Paper]